Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Visit from Miss Laura and the "Lip"...

Lovin' life, from this distance I'm normal!

The Lip. OMG!!
Miss Laura checking the sail trim as we sail back to DP Harbor.
It was a light air day for our light air sail. 
Serenity Now has slipped away from her berth again both days this weekend. Saturday, the Admiral and capt had a luncheon sail in light air and overcast but warm weather. Winds were up to 12 knots but variable most of the afternoon. There are no bad days on the water. Sunday we had even less wind than that. Miss Laura and the "Lip", came down from the hills, and joined us for an afternoon on the water that included; laughter, story telling, champagne, lunch, light air, overcast skies, dolphins, pelicans, seals, a brief harbor cruise, sunshine when we reached the dock, and (if I have to say so myself) another great day on the water with good friends. Does it get any better?

1 comment:

Matt and Laura said...

It WAS an awesome day, good times with good friends, and a LIPSMACKIN' great lunch!!!
XXXXXXX Miss L and The L