Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Memorial Day 2021 found us bound for the west end of Catalina. We moored in Howland's Landing just east of Emerald Bay. At precisely 8:00 AM each morning, a particular boater fires a cannon. It's very loud. If you're not ready or haven't heard it before, it will startle the crap out of you. It's a tradition started many years ago by his dad. The tradition lives on! All the island yacht clubs were beginning their seasons so there was a fair amount of yachtie activity. The air and breeze were chilly at times and the water a brisk 64 degrees. The cool weather made for some good hikes from the Isthmus. Island time is always a good time and this trip did not disappoint. Sail on sailor!



Anonymous said...

Very Nice

How many trips has it been now to the island?

Sailing Vessel Serenity NOW said...

Not enough :)