Monday, August 13, 2018


Ziggy is one of my longtime friends, college roommate, teammate and father to two of our godchildren, Bryan and Chris. He's also the creator of the delicious "Danny's Dip". It's been 30 years since he's been to Catalina so we loaded up the boat last week and off we went. Cove hopping from Willow, to Italian Gardens (a no-go for the night) to White's, and finally Ripper's, we enjoyed the island from Avalon to the Isthmus. The weather was warm but breezy and the water was perfect. It was a great time with a great friend and one we'll always remember. Oh by the way, Ziggy acquired his nickname (it was his idea) on this trip. While he was on the helm, we seemed to zigzag rather than sail a straight course. Well, at least we made it!


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