Saturday, June 27, 2015


I was able to find the leak in Beer Run yesterday under one of the oar locks. Nothing for an amateur to attempt to fix. So today she was hauled to the Dinghy Doc in Santa Ana. Should have it back next week.
On her way to the doctor's office

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


After the Admiral asked, "What do you want to do on your birthday?", we were on our way to the rock. We made the long haul to the Isthmus and stayed in Fourth of July Cove the first evening. The next day it was off to Little Harbor around the scenic west end. A rolly night sent us to Cat Harbor for the next two days. Cat was perfect; lots of fish, eagle sightings, a great anchorage, super hikes, temps in the high 70's and access to the "action" at the Isthmus. Traveling around the east end, our last night was in Avalon but not before a hike and pastrami sandwich at Antonio's. Not a bad way to spend a birthday, and the topper, we saw two blue whales on the return trip to Dana. I am thankful and blessed!

Little Harbor

The Admiral's 'cuda.

Cat Harbor

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Mystery solved...kelp. Under water. Out of sight. Out of mind. What are the chances of running into this? Wrapped our prop shaft and brought us to a quick stop yesterday. All ended well. No one hurt and boat is fine.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Semper Fidelis

One happy crew after being rescued at sea. SERENITY NOW!

Timbo, a retired marine, AKA "Top Dog" and the "Ka-Bar Butcher" plus his lovely wife Heleen, traveled all the way from Illinois for a SoCal vacation and a day with us on the Pacific. Light winds, clear sky and ideal weather made for a wonderful afternoon...until disaster struck. While motoring west up the main channel we shut down our power due to severe prop/drive shaft vibration. The anchor was dropped and we waited for help to arrive. The OC Harbor Patrol stood by until Vessel Assist came on the scene. Thank you DP Harbor Patrol and Vessel Assist for your quick response and help. So tomorrow the capt will be diving below the boat to see what's goin' on. Stayed tuned.

It's nice to have assistance when you need it.